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Modern Language Service Exchange Survey (en)

As we are committed to quality language teaching and continuous improvement, we are asking for your opinion; it will help us to improve.

There are 15 questions in this survey.

Hi ha 16 preguntes en aquesta enquesta.
Part 1: COURSE
(Aquesta pregunta és obligatòria)
What is your relationship with the Modern Language Service?
Choose one of the following. Select only one of the answers:
If you answered "Other" in the previous question, please tell us to which group you belong.
Write your answer here:

What type of exchange have you had?

(Aquesta pregunta és obligatòria)

If you answered "Volunteering experience (in Catalan language)" in the previous question, please tell us what level of Catalan you had when you started the programme.

Choose one of the following. Select only one of the answers:
(Aquesta pregunta és obligatòria)

If you answered "Language exchange" in the previous question, please tell us in which language you carried out the exchange.

(Aquesta pregunta és obligatòria)

If you answered "Other(s)" please tell us which language(s) you have carried out.

Write your answer here:
When you registered for the exchange, what was your level of the language you have been
Choose one of the following. Select only one of the answers:
(Aquesta pregunta és obligatòria)
How regularly have you met with your partner?
Choose only one of the following:
(Aquesta pregunta és obligatòria)
On average, how long have your meetings with your partner lasted?

Choose only one of the following:

(Aquesta pregunta és obligatòria)
Have you contacted the person in charge of the programme with any questions?

Choose only one of the following:

Evaluate each entry
(1 = very poor; 10 = excellent):
The flexible timetable and meeting place made it easier for me to follow the programme.
My exchange partner has shown interest in the programme.
The relationship with my partner has been easy and enriching. We have understood each other well.
During the semester, it has been difficult to complete all the exchange hours.
The exchange has helped me to improve my oral expression in the language I have practised.
The exchange has helped me to improve my listening comprehension in the language I have practised.
Evaluate the cultural activities in which you have participated
(1 = very poor; 10 = excellent):
Camins de ronda from Sant Martí d’Empúries to l’Escala
Experience the Sant Narcís Fair
The museums of Girona
Ball de bastons workshop and cheese tasting
Traditional dance workshop and ratafia tasting
Experience Christmas
Beyond the city of Girona
If you have done the evaluation to obtain the credits the programme entitles you to, give an overall
assessment of the monitoring and evaluation system from 1 to 10 points
(1 = very poor; 10 =excellent)
Give an overall assessment of the exchange programme from 1 to 10 points.
(1 = very poor; 10 =excellent)
(Aquesta pregunta és obligatòria)
Assess the following aspects of the Modern Language Service (SLM) (1 = very poor; 10 = excellent).
If you have not used the service, tick NS/NC.Rate the Modern Languages Service (SLM).

Score from 1 to 10 (1 = very poor; 10 = excellent). If you haven’t used the service, write N/A.

Evaluate the attention you received from the SLM on the phone.
Evaluate the attention you have received at the SLM in person.
Evaluate the attention you have received from the SLM by email.
Evaluate whether the information found on the SLM website is relevant and clear.
Evaluate whether the services provided by the SLM were fast and efficient.
Evaluate the overall attention you have received from the SLM.
Please suggest how the Service can improve.
Write your answer here: